Sunday, October 21, 2012

Love and CHOW MEIN!!! (Full Version)

There's a universal hunger for two things;
Love and chow mein.
The latter of which pulls our strings,
And in kind, we play it's game.
Colliding through the sea beds,
Emerging from the pond...
Chow mein, your majestic ways are where we truly all belong.
Drifting past the planets,
I drift on past the space bars.
Water of the mouth flies out my rocket window
Like continuous falling stars.
I'm spinning around in circles,
In a blurry haze of blue.
My brain likes to imagine that everything is you.
I'm stranded in the ocean,
Reading Camus out at sea.
Clogging my arteries with you would be a happy death for me.
Floating through the flower shop,
Pedals suspended in the air.
I guess they love me not, but there's chow mein, so I don't care.
I'm lying on the rooftop,
Seeing the airplanes in the sky.
Dare I dream of you, chow mein?
You make me feel like I could fly.
I've chased many a rainbow,
I've crossed many a sea,
Only to find what's all around us,
Waiting here for you and me.
Now I'm sleeping in the kitchen,
Waiting for the sun to rise again,
So I can fill my mouth with you,
Wearing a smile that never ends.
When I'm feeling shattered,
Like the whole world has got me down,
Chow mein is easily accessed in restaurants in my town.
Not to mention Asian markets,
With stretched out rice galore,
Making guys like me happy forever more.
All the world could go and start a chow mein-eating brigade,
Hanging out after the party, so we could all get more chow mein.
It's true that all is fair within love and chow mein.
Tends to fill our hearts with glee,
Drying up all of the pain.
Oh, the ways of chow mein.
You're so close and yet so far.
I could reach you way more easily if I only had a car.
And so I lie here in my bed wide awake at half past two,
Gazing out my window pain,
And I see you in the moon.

Monday, March 26, 2012


The new species came to us with one message;
And we sink our teeth into towers of hamburgers,
Suck the oceans of milkshakes,
Wrap out mouths around fields of french fries,
And the valleys filled with blankets of pancakes,
And the whipped cream clouds in the eternal sunshine,
Rain your several syrups down on our heads!
This is our fix.
Fill your mouth.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Rhonda's Dream

My first full on attempt at computer art, which may be evident in it's sloppiness. Inspired by the infamous cartoon character of the 90's, who resides deeply in my thoughts.

Note: For some reason, the quality on the small image is crappy. Click on the picture for better quality. Pretty stars.